Caring for Employees While Growing Your Company

How do you tell whether the people in your company are the tired mediocre ones on a course to burnout or the ones with the energy and aptitude to take your business to the next level? 

They’re often the same person. When I consider that our clients are often brands that grow at pace (whether in number, territory or both), the speed of growth can sometimes outstrip the care of their people. We’ve all seen it - the people who take on a lot. They grind it out, deliver again, and lose their sparkle somewhere along the line. 

Unchecked, this practice takes some of your best advocates and blands them into bluntness - or worse - bitterness. Of course, we all are responsible for assessing our workload and asking for more resources if necessary. Yes, we must take responsibility for being in the workplace we all have chosen. Most of your team wants to take on challenges and have their thresholds for scale and skill tested and increased. Yet all of us need rest and support. Prevention is better than cure. 

Remember to:

  • Schedule regular check-ins

  • Surprise your employees by making space for their recovery

People who are #authentically cared for will deliver you the world.

#employerbrand #talentretention #people #team


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