Setting a Positive Interview Tone

You're almost ready to roll. You and your crew have created a welcoming environment but-

Is your interviewee being a little curt? Monosyllabic answers? Dismissive responses? 

If this happens, chances are that they are uncomfortable about something. 

Without knowing what has contributed to their mental state, it can feel a little daunting when you need an engaging and open conversation with them on camera.

Three things you can try:

1) People want to move forward, and feel supported without feeling like they are causing a problem. Keep focussed and keep things light. Remind them you are there to make sure they get the answers they want on camera. 

2) Weave a story about what they can expect, asking gentle questions along the way. Sometimes an interaction with a calming guide is all people need to take a breath and regroup.

3) Don’t overload them. If anything, reduce their mental burden. Clear lines of communication, not too many people speaking to them.

*A bonus one - speak openly, warmly, and respectfully with your crew. Even if you’re not lucky enough to have a crew that feels like family, model kindness and patience onset.

Not only does it create the sort of atmosphere we all feel safer in, but it subconsciously suggests boundaries for how we speak with each other.

#Authenticity is also about setting tone.


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