"What makes empathy contagious?"

Since I finished our last show for the year at Wilton's, I've been mulling over the question -

"What makes empathy contagious?" The same thing that takes good ideas and develops them into great ones. The very same thing that takes those great ideas and brings them into the world: People talking.

We all have great tools at our disposal to help us be present. Breathing, journalling, meditating, gratitude practice - and these are powerful. They also help to promote self-kindness and internal empathy. Again, very good.

However, for empathy to spread, and for an idea to evolve and be tested, it takes a more objective incident outside of ourselves and inner monologue. As George Saunders points out in his phenomenal substack:"When Scrooge changes, the ghosts do it – he doesn’t just think his way into transformation".

It is a collective practice where two or more people get together and share something personal. It doesn't have to be incredibly deep, inspiring, or dark. It doesn't have to trace back to the greatest trauma or triumph. It just needs to be a safe space where people can speak and listen openly, ideally with a theme in mind.

Possibly the theme is a song that changed your life. Or things that could make an internal work system smoother or more inclusive. Maybe even a broad conversation about team goals for 2023.

Whatever it is, don't keep it to yourself. Bring the team together. Offer tea. Get chatting….


Inclusion is crucial when generating ideas


Tough Leadership Changes